Community Blogs.

Explore inspiring stories and tips from incredible women fighting breast cancer. If you have a story, we warmly invite you to contribute to our community!

Shoshana Hallowell Shoshana Hallowell

Alcohol and Breast Cancer

“Alcohol can be a known carcinogen, but it is still unknown for certain if it will 100% cause cancer in a certain individual.”

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Shoshana Hallowell Shoshana Hallowell

A Personal Message on Dense Breasts

“Later that night, I showed my husband my lump and he when he felt it - not only did he gasp but he jumped backwards as if to say ‘what the heck is that?’"

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Shoshana Hallowell Shoshana Hallowell

Trusting Yourself…

“No matter how elite the healthcare institution you are with, only you have your best interest in mind and you know yourself best.”

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