Community Blogs.
Explore inspiring stories and tips from incredible women fighting breast cancer. If you have a story, we warmly invite you to contribute to our community!
Alcohol and Breast Cancer
“Alcohol can be a known carcinogen, but it is still unknown for certain if it will 100% cause cancer in a certain individual.”
Some of the things I do that help me keep my mind off of cancer:
“This is how I mentally survive”
Intuition: How trusting my gut saved my life
"Although I knew before he stepped foot in the room what the result was, it was painful. I had known the truth all along. "
A Personal Message on Dense Breasts
“Later that night, I showed my husband my lump and he when he felt it - not only did he gasp but he jumped backwards as if to say ‘what the heck is that?’"
Alternative Breast Cancer Treatments: Heat Therapy
“Heat therapy, also known as hyperthermia or thermal therapy, is a treatment approach that involves exposing body tissue to high temperatures to damage and kill cancer cells”
On a mastectomy, reconstruction, and the future:
“Disclaimer: this is a personal choice and each person should do what they feel is right for themselves.“
Breast Cancer Support groups ... join or not?
“Should you join breast cancer support groups? Here’s what to look for.”
How to Tell Friends & Family About Your Breast Cancer Diagnosis.
“How can you tell your friends and about your breast cancer diagnosis?”
Trusting Yourself…
“No matter how elite the healthcare institution you are with, only you have your best interest in mind and you know yourself best.”
Positive Mind-Set in the Face of Metastatic Breast Cancer
“How do you have a positive mind-set when facing cancer, let alone metastatic cancer?”