Breast Cancer Support groups ... join or not?

By Gina Lawson

Should you join breast cancer support groups? Here’s what to look for.

Another personal choice is joining support groups. They can be very helpful or they can cause fear and anxiety, depending on the information shared and who is reading it. Personally, I have joined many support groups on Facebook, but I rarely look at them because they can cause me some anxiety - as "what I don't know can't hurt me"/out of sight out of mind. I like to hear the success stories, but obviously that's not always possible. Not everyone is like me and it can help to receive solice in a community with similar circumstances. It's also helpful to ask questions and receive tips and advice. In any case, if you are considering joining, you could always join and give it a try, and if it doesn't work for you, you can opt out or mute. I do agree that some are pretty good and they are worth a shot. There is also an organization called Imerman Angels ( where they connect you one-on-one with a mentor free of charge (who has or was diagnosed with breast (or any type of cancer) who can be a guide, share their experience, or even just listen and commiserate. It's a great organization and I am a mentor myself because it does help to have community and talk to others who have been through cancer because cancer can feel like a very isolating experience if you don't know anyone personally that's been through it, and not all doctors or medical professionals have the best bedside manor to talk to about that stuff and sometimes it just feels nice to talk to someone who can relate. 


On a mastectomy, reconstruction, and the future:


How to Tell Friends & Family About Your Breast Cancer Diagnosis.