Alcohol and Breast Cancer

By: Gina Lawson

I've seen on many breast cancer support group forums the question about drinking alcohol and increased risk of breast cancer. There's been some recent news and research that claims alcohol increases risk of any cancer and many patients worry about drinking any type and amount of alcohol and wonder if it will increase their risk of a reoccurrence. Alcohol can be a known carcinogen, but it is still unknown for certain if it will 100% cause cancer in a certain individual. Cancer can be caused by environmental and/or genetic factors and everyone is different. There are people who abuse substances, have horrible diets, live sedentary lifestyles and live their whole lives without ever getting cancer. On their other end of the spectrum, there are people who never drink or smoke and exercise daily who are diagnosed with cancer all the time. If you are uncertain, please always ask your physician. In my personal opinion, everything should be within moderation. If you want to celebrate at a wedding with some beverages or relax with a couple classes of wine, I don't think that will "break the bank" so to say. If you are stressed about it, then maybe not partake to give yourself some peace of mind. Overall, I think stress is a big factor that affects the body, immunity, and overall disease. If you can reduce stress, that is very helpful in reducing the risk. 

We have one life to live and you could spend all your time and energy restricting yourself of certain joys to prevent the thing you are worried about, which may or may not happen. 

As mentioned earlier, it's always best to discuss these things with your doctor (and every doctor is different), but you have to do what you feel is best for you, as you are the only one living in your body. 


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